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Contemporary Surrealism

Promoting the best contemporary surrealism, psychedelic, lowbrow, and fantastic figurative art being created today.

Michelle Concetta Surrealistic Collages

Michelle Concetta is a creator from the US currently based in Saudi Arabia. Prone to escapism from an early age, she finds comfort in the one thing that grounds her to the Real—creating art and shaping her world to fulfill her aesthetic yearnings. Self-taught, her talents cover a broad spectrum, but of late contemporary collage […]

Vincent Fink: Surrealistic Iterations

Editor’s Note: Vincent Fink’s limited edition prints are now available for purchase in the Surrealism Today online store. Artist Statement In the pursuit to better redefine modern surrealism, I often find myself indulging in the vibrancy of color and concise composition with flaring elements of Sacred Geometry. The same level of intense detail is implored […]

Cheryl Frey Richards

Statement Recently, I have been exploring life’s destinations and how they are recorded. I am fascinated with how people have documented their memories; presently and in the past with social and pictorial fervor. My images deal with the contradiction of letting go but at the same time wanting to forever hold on. Filtered photos and […]

Arabella Proffer

Series: Acids and Sugars This series brings together my interests in botany, microbiology, space, disease, and the evolution of cells. I subconsciously explore the relationships between anatomy, biology, nature, and emerging sciences while creating from my own imagination. These paintings sometimes mirror personal metaphysical occurrences, and, at times, contain a slight nod to art history, […]

Francesca Harvie

Artist Statement I like to illustrate uncomfortable, weird, and complex personified feelings. I try to make my viewer uncomfortable and introspective, yet interested. The goal is to put onto paper in illustration what I cannot in words, and reach out to others who may empathize. Also, color is rad and I like to go overboard […]