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Contemporary Surrealism

Promoting the best contemporary surrealism, psychedelic, lowbrow, and fantastic figurative art being created today.

Albane Simon

About Albane Simon Imagine a world where linear time has lost all relevance. A place where past memories and future visions dance in a familiar present gone awry, this is where nightmares collide with lucid clarity. Touching on topics diverse as ecology, science, architecture, and spirituality. instagram.com/albanesurrealcollagist/

Salvador Dali Lives: Museum Brings Artist Back to Life with AI

VIVA DALI: THE DALI MUSEUM BRINGS SALVADOR DALI BACK TO LIFE  THROUGH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Avant-garde Experience Announced on the 30th Anniversary of Dali’s Death Imagine Salvador Dali welcoming you to the Dali Museum as if he were alive today, sharing observations on current events and shedding light on the motivations behind his artwork. In April, that imagined […]

Ben Ridgway

Ben Ridgway is currently an Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University in San Francisco, California, USA. He has 15 years of professional experience as both a 3D artist in the video game industry and as a Professor. While in the games industry he helped to create games for Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft console systems. […]

Get Out, Atlanta, Sorry to Bother You, and The Afro-Surrealist Film Movement

Add “Sorry To Bother You” to the mix and there appears to be an Afro-Surrealism resurgence in Black cinema. Surrealism is the 20-century avant-garde artistic and literary movement that sought to stir the creative potential of the unconscious mind position seemingly irrational imagery adjacent to one another. Artist Salvador Dali is among the most respect […]

Frank Moth: the Wonderful and Nostalgic | Best Wall Art

Background Frank Moth is an Artist duo based in Veria, Greece. They explore universal concepts of love, humility, truth, nostalgia and forgiveness in colorful, surreal floral portraits and futuristic retro compositions. They create nostalgic postcards from the future using mostly the digital collage technique in a struggle for eternity through pixels. Frank Moth Deep Dive […]