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Pareidolic Apophenic Morphogenesis Method

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Artist Statement

Pareidolic Apophenic Morphogenesis is the search to see things that only exist on the dark screen of the inner mind.
My works represent a journey from chaos, line and color into shape, form and content — freely growing from the mind’s inner eye onto the visual surface.
A world of fantastic landscapes, strange creatures and impossible machines and edifices that defy meaning, content and logic — yet are a true world unto themself.

About Jeff Engberg

Jeff Engberg endeavours with his artwork to find meaning in life by wandering through the dark recesses of the mind.
Engberg Studied art in California, Spain and Norway.
He is a member of the Norwegian Visual Artists Association (NBK Norsk Billedkunstnere) and the National Association of Drawers and Illustrators (Tegnerforbundet).
He has been associated with Can Serrat Art Center/Residency near Barcelona for 12 years and enjoys visiting and participating each summer. Can Serrat’s creative ambience and rural lifestyle in the Catalan countryside in the land of Dali, Miro and Tapies.

The Drawings

Big Wall Decor Ad Girl next to large pop artwork

These last 8 years Jeff has focused on surrealistic drawings on cotton paper exploring dreamworlds and imaginative environments populated by strange creatures that strive to fulfill their calling in empty landscapes populated with strange animals and archetypical creatures.
Some say “no man is an island.” Jeff says “every man is an island unto himself”, deep within the confines of his mind and soul. Creative expression is how we humans try to express this isolation and share our inner soul with others.



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