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Contemporary Surrealism

Promoting the best contemporary surrealism, psychedelic, lowbrow, and fantastic figurative art being created today.

Kevin Corrado

Kevin Corrado is a fine artist attending SASD for graphic design. His photography walks the line between lyricism and surrealism, never straying too far from either. He usually uses himself as the subject in his figurative works. His compositions are simple and elegant: the imagery could best be described as quiet and peaceful– at times […]

Blue Skies - Kevin Corrado


  Hyper Trophies Moving still portrait sculptures. A collaboration of ZEITGUISED with Berlin fashion label Franzius and ProdCo Stink Berlin. Premiere at the Stink Temporary Gallery during Gallery Weekend Berlin 2012. 1080p portrait screen exhibit: endless loop http://www.zeitguised.com/

The Week by the Koren Ensemble

Bigheaded figures. Peculiar bodies. How wonderful! To get the Koren Ensembles weekly video, like them of Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/korenensemble

Jeffrey Harp – Victorian Surrealism


Kazim – Visionary Art

Kazim is a french visionary and occult artist. The website Renaissance presents his creations : Combined in a multi-layered digital art mixing photography and scan of raw material his creations would pretend themselves to be the visionary remembrances of a fool scarecrow in a rough shadowed land. Often in a dark tinted ambiance his work, […]