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Contemporary Surrealism

Promoting the best contemporary surrealism, psychedelic, lowbrow, and fantastic figurative art being created today.

Bonobo’s surrealist music video for ‘No Reason’

With stunning cinematography (and no CGI), director Oscar Hudson pays homage to Japan’s social phenomenon of ‘Hikikomori’. A dreamy, disconnected electronic beat plays as a Japanese teenager wakes up in his bedroom, visibly troubled at the thought of facing the day ahead of him. But there are tricks at play, as he walks through the […]

Electric Sheep – Interview with Scott Draves

Electric Sheep Introduction Electric Sheep is a distributed computing project for animating and evolving fractal flames, which are in turn distributed to the networked computers, which display them as a screensaver.– Wikipedia First created in 1999 by Scott Draves, the Electric Sheep is a form of artificial life, which is to say it is software […]

Zeitguised’s abstract, surrealistic, strange, video art

Holy strange eye-candy Batman, what is that? NFW! WTF? It’s Zeitguised again, making magic. Pure, magical, computer generated abstract art. Delicious candy for your eyes. (We originally covered Zeitguised here in 2013.) And wow. It doesn’t get weirder than this. Watch Zeitguised’s mind-altering videos with sound on. It multiplies the effect. Geist.xyz Animated Gif Stills: AN EXPLORATION […]


APPETITE is a story about a journey into the belly of the beast. It was originally inspired by a painting by Yagama and her poem “I Am Hungry. The APPETITE teaser video, is a standalone surrealist work of video art and gives a glimpse into the world of the longer 15 minute film. It has been […]

Christie Neptune Surreal Video Art: An Afro-Surrealist Sci-fi Future

Christie Neptune’s “She Fell from Normalcy” Stills Note On Surrealism, Past and Present Followers of contemporary surreal art, and perhaps this blog, may forget that surrealism (and it’s precursor, Dada) were politically inspired art movements. Dada’s “anti-philosophy” developed in reaction to World War I. Surrealism became notorious for many reasons. One of these was affiliating itself with the […]

Two African American Women clutching their heads in agony