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Contemporary Surrealism

Promoting the best contemporary surrealism, psychedelic, lowbrow, and fantastic figurative art being created today.

Albane Simon

About Albane Simon Imagine a world where linear time has lost all relevance. A place where past memories and future visions dance in a familiar present gone awry, this is where nightmares collide with lucid clarity. Touching on topics diverse as ecology, science, architecture, and spirituality. instagram.com/albanesurrealcollagist/

Boris Indrikov

About Boris Indrikov Boris Indrikov was born in Leningrad in 1967 and lives and works in Moscow. From 1991 to 1997 he was a book designer and worked as an illustrator for the popular science magazine “Chemistry and Life”. He has been a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia and The member […]

5 Amazing Surrealistic Things!!!

Here is a short list of five surrealist things I am thinking about this week. 1. Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Endless Poetry Through renowned father of the midnight movies Alejandro Jodorowsky’s intensely personal lens, Endless Poetry tells the story of his years spent as an aspiring poet in Chile in the 1940’s. Against the wishes of his […]


Medusawolf (A. E. Brown) Biography I grew up near the woods & discovered the world was a weird mystery. I learned I loved to draw. Years later, I went to Delaware College of Art & Design where I learned I loved to paint. Today I draw & paint the weirdness the world makes me see […]

Thom Easton Surreal Collage Art

Thom Easton creates art juxtaposing the everyday with epic sci-fi/space visuals. His imagery has a retro feel. He seems to source his images from 1970’s magazines that add a certain nostalgia to the work. Thom Easton