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Patricia Benitez’s Uncanny Valley

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Patricia Benitez’s Uncanny Valley series takes it’s name from the hypothesis in the field of robotics which holds that “when human replicas look and act almost, but not perfectly, like human beings, it causes a response of revulsion among human observers.”

Coined by professor Masahiro Mori, who proposes several explanations for the revulsion and fear humans feel when presented with humanoid creatures. Namely, mortality salience – the innate fear of death, or of being replaced by a doppelganger, sorites paradoxes – which undermine the sense of human identity, violation of human norms, and a threat to the religious definition of human identity.

Big Wall Decor Ad Girl next to large pop artwork

Highly inspired by haute couture editorial and runway imagery, the series uses hyper-perfection and intense flaws in unison as a means to create visual tension.


Patricia Benitez on facebook (updated several times daily)


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