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Home » Glossary » Ukiyo-e


Ukiyo-e, which means ‘pictures of the floating world,’ is a genre of Japanese art that flourished from the 17th to the 19th centuries, known for its woodblock prints and paintings.



Ukiyo-e art became popular in the Edo period in Japan and was known for depicting everyday life, landscapes, and kabuki actors.

Key Artists

  • Hokusai
  • Hiroshige

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Big Wall Decor Ad Girl next to large pop artwork

    What is Ukiyo-e?
    Ukiyo-e is a Japanese art form, primarily known for woodblock prints, depicting the ‘floating world’ – scenes from everyday life, landscapes, and entertainment.

  2. Why is Ukiyo-e significant?
    Ukiyo-e is significant for its influence on Western art, particularly on Impressionism, and for its historical depiction of Edo-period Japanese culture.