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Home » Glossary » Dada

Dada was an art movement that emerged in Europe in the early 20th century, during and after World War I. It was characterized by a rejection of traditional artistic conventions and a focus on absurdity, irrationality, and anti-bourgeois attitudes. The movement was founded in Zurich, Switzerland, by a group of artists and writers who were disillusioned with the cultural and political climate of the time.

Dada artists used a variety of techniques and media to create works of art that were often intentionally provocative and nonsensical. They embraced chance, spontaneity, and randomness, and often incorporated found objects and everyday materials into their art. Dada artists were also known for their use of collage, photomontage, and other forms of mixed media.

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The Dada movement had a significant impact on the art world, and its influence can be seen in later movements such as surrealism, pop art, and conceptual art. Dada also had a broader cultural impact, influencing literature, music, and political activism. The movement’s emphasis on unconventional thinking and anti-authoritarianism continues to resonate with artists and thinkers today.