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Contemporary Surrealism

Promoting the best contemporary surrealism, psychedelic, lowbrow, and fantastic figurative art being created today.

Cameron Gray – Parable Visions

Fantastic figurative digital artwork. It has a really remarkable use of vector-type designs that interact with the content within the work but, rather than looking “graphic design-ish,” it really takes it to the next level. http://parablevisions.com/blog/

Muerdememundo Art

http://www.muerdememundo.com/ http://cargocollective.com/muerdememundo/

Surreal and Fantastique Art by Talonabraxis

Art with “fantastique” and magick themes. This work is great. Dark, limited color palette, and haunting. http://talonabraxas.blogspot.com/ http://talonabraxas.deviantart.com/

Surreal in Mind – Michael Vincent Manalo

A collection of dreams and daydreams that have been forged to be included in the arsenal of memory, to be part of the soul of nostalgia and finally, to be within the heart of the soul http://www.saatchiart.com/michaelvmanalo http://www.wix.com/theflickerees/michaelVmanalo http://www.behance.net/theflickerees

Anton Marrast

Anton Marrast PrintsAnton Marrast Instagrammarrast.com