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Contemporary Surrealism

Promoting the best contemporary surrealism, psychedelic, lowbrow, and fantastic figurative art being created today.

Kyle Thompson Surreal Photography

Kyle Thompson’s hauntingly surreal photographs evade narrative and easy answers. We make associations and attempt to form meanings that that artist has indicated, but are left with only more questions. Yet Thompson’s work is gratifying: elegant compositions. Rich colors. Powerful juxtapositions. Each image is unique, but form a complex body of work. The artist tends to […]

Man with cloth on his head on fire

Fine Art by Ruben Cukier

Oils by Argentinean artist Ruben Cukier About Ruben Cukier Born and raised in Buenos Aires in 1964, Cukier chooses colors and shades that reveal a yearning for a less superficial, less deceptive reality. The forms, dimensions and colors give shape to dreams and nightmares, and even allude to a notion of hope. Humor is used […]

Nikolina Petolas – Surreal Art

Biography Nikolina Petolas is a Croatian based photographer and digital artist. Petolas is fascinated by industrial and fantasy environments, and these form the backdrop of the mysterious worlds in her work. She creates her images using photography and digital techniques.With over 10 years experience in photography with experience in portrait, still lifes, landscapes, and macro […]

Zeitguised’s abstract, surrealistic, strange, video art

Holy strange eye-candy Batman, what is that? NFW! WTF? It’s Zeitguised again, making magic. Pure, magical, computer generated abstract art. Delicious candy for your eyes. (We originally covered Zeitguised here in 2013.) And wow. It doesn’t get weirder than this. Watch Zeitguised’s mind-altering videos with sound on. It multiplies the effect. Geist.xyz Animated Gif Stills: AN EXPLORATION […]


APPETITE is a story about a journey into the belly of the beast. It was originally inspired by a painting by Yagama and her poem “I Am Hungry. The APPETITE teaser video, is a standalone surrealist work of video art and gives a glimpse into the world of the longer 15 minute film. It has been […]